
2017 Texas Fatal Accident By Holiday Statistics

The headline is a misnomer. Lets just scratch that, its pretty much bad and ugly. Texas has some pretty bleak accident statistics when it comes to the holidays, especially Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Thanksgiving.

The Texas Department of Transportation collects fatal crash statistics for travel periods, not just the Holiday itself. For instance, for the Memorial day holiday, they collect crash data from a 78 hour period and for Christmas it is a 102 hour period. It allows them to cover the travel period for when people are traveling to destinations to celebrate the holiday.

In 2017, Thanksgiving was the single deadliest travel holiday of the year with 73 fatalities in a 102 hour travel period. That is up nearly 20 deaths from 2016 and an increase of 31 additional fatalities from 2015’s total of 42 from the same travel period. Overall, 2017 saw 296 fatalities during major holiday travel periods that included Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. That is an increase of 49 deaths year-over-year from 2016’s total of 247. Thanksgiving alone had 19 more fatalities during its travel period year-over-year.

What Could be Contributing to This Increase in Holiday Travel Deaths?

Growth in population and the economy play a large role in accident death totals. Texas’ population is growing at a very high rate. In 2017, Texas gained an additional 400,000 new residents. To put that in perspective, that is like gaining a new Plano and a new Allen in one year. That is a lot of new people on the road.

In addition, the economy in 2017 was steadily increasing and families had more money for travel in 2017 than in year’s past. As the economy grows, so does travel.

If You or a Loved One is Injured in a Accident in Texas, Call Guest and Gray Today!

If you or a loved on is injured as a result of someone else’s negligence this holiday season, call the experienced personal injury lawyers at Guest and Gray. Our staff of experienced personal injury lawyers will begin working with the insurance company from day one to ensure the maximum settlement for your injuries. The call is free and we do not get paid unless we win your case. You will speak to the personal injury attorney that will be handling your case and they will answer any questions you may have about the process. If you are unable to come to us, we will come to you. Don’t Wait, Call Now! (972) 564-4644

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